Creative Productions, Arrangements and Operations • Art, Technology and Amusements. Software Engineer and certified FileMaker Pro developer and full-stack web developer by day, https//
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Poetry!
Michael Edward Kupietz, author of doggerel, rhyming and occasionally lyrical lexical confections. If it walks like a poem, and quacks like a poem, is it a poem?
Note: This was composted in response to a #thursdaypoetrysociety challenge on LinkedIn to compose a poem in response to the prompt "my opinion on pickles". My opinion of pickles is…
Exqueeze me whilst I sing the tale of facial hair gone tough as nails. When short, it chafes, when long it scares! Crepusculating facial hairs portend the chafed skin one…
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The radish is the noisy'st root, Its vocal tack beyond dispute, effusive in expounding truth— so talkative, this verbal fruit. In ages prior and aeons hence, have poets, lost in…
Bad poems give just cause to critics who revel in finding ways to rag on others' flaws. When upon poorly set, is personal whose hearts cherish pride, and, gorging…
On a long-ago visit to the hamlet of Acton, MA with my GOAT (that's "Girlfriend Onceupon A Time"—hey, I don't mind if they call me a BOAT), the town was…
O! pity the poor maligned curl-up! Its form, tho' well designed, inspires many to fear! But many a curl-up has faced a cruel and untimely fate 'neath some shoe or…