Michael Kupietz | ARTS+CODE - Category: “Petit Art”: Odds & Ends https://michaelkupietz.com/articles/visual-art/petit-art-odds-endsPosted inImage Gallery Posted inFun With Scanners Digital Objets D’Art: Robyn Hitchcock fan club 50th Birthday CardRobyn Hitchcock used to have an email fan club that I was pretty active in (hence his name coming up a bunch of places on this site; if you're familiar… Posted by By Mike Kupietz December 31, 2023Tags: Image Gallery| Permanent URL: https://michaelkupietz.com?p=6832 | Embed link
Michael Kupietz | ARTS+CODE - Category: “Petit Art”: Odds & Ends https://michaelkupietz.com/articles/visual-art/petit-art-odds-endsPosted inImage Gallery Posted inOld StuffSketches Old Sketches And StuffI don't draw as much as I used to, these are a couple of things I salvaged from my ancient other site. I'll add more as I run across them.… Posted by By Mike Kupietz September 22, 2023Tags: Image Gallery| Permanent URL: https://michaelkupietz.com?p=5581 | Embed link
Michael Kupietz | ARTS+CODE - Category: “Petit Art”: Odds & Ends https://michaelkupietz.com/articles/visual-art/petit-art-odds-endsPosted inSite Info Posted inSite Images Overview Site Design Overview: Featured Images GallerySince they're not always clearly displayed on the front page or in every post, for convenience, this is an automated scrape of all original "featured images" (the background or front… Posted by By Mike Kupietz September 4, 2023Tags: Site Info| Permanent URL: https://michaelkupietz.com?p=3947 | Embed link