"WordPress Mods" files
Easily embed this site’s content on other sites

For users: Easily embed this site’s content on other sites

This site allows you to get the content of posts and pages by adding either /embed/ or ?embed to the URL, optionally including the post title, author, and/or tags. This…
Non-render-blocking YouTube embeds in WordPress

Video Killed The Pagespeed Score: Non-render-blocking YouTube embeds in WordPress

On this site's Music Reviews page (itself built on-the-fly by a shortcode that sorts and displays posts from a "Music Review" custom post type), most of the reviews are accompanied…
WordPress Shortcode & Function Performance Optimization with Transients

Optimization-A-Go-Go: WordPress Shortcode & Function Performance Optimization with Transients

I suffer from that paradoxical form of laziness peculiar to computer geeks where I will save myself save myself 15 minutes of work on something by spending 4 hours creating…
Adding A Default Featured Image Or Thumbnail In WordPress

All Thumbs: Adding A Default Featured Image Or Thumbnail In WordPress

On this site, any post without a featured image specifically set (such as this one) displays the default floral 'K' insignia anywhere on the site where a thumbnail is displayed.…
WordPress Custom “Hero Header” Modifications

Used on this site: WordPress Custom “Hero Header” Modifications

This site uses the "Sinatra" free Wordpress theme as its base. Sinatra includes a single "Hero Header" the row of 3 animated featured posts on the home page which changes…
Generating On-The-Fly Email Addresses as an Anti-Spam Measure in WordPress

Generating On-The-Fly Email Addresses as an Anti-Spam Measure in WordPress

On my IT consulting business site, I'm using a php script I've written to generate on-the-fly random email addresses specific to the browsing session looking at the site. So, I…