Pure CSS interactive web holiday lights

season's geekings: Pure CSS interactive web holiday lights

Strung across this page are pure CSS interactive Christmas lights. You can slowly move your mouse across them to jostle them and they're move, all without any javascript. The twisty…
Web Design—Adding Text Previews To HTML Details Disclosure Elements

god is in the details: Web Design—Adding Text Previews To HTML Details Disclosure Elements

Looking around the site, you might get the hint that I'm a big fan of <details class="detailsClassName"><summary>blah blah blah</summary> even more blah blah blah</details> disclosure elements. For those unfamiliar, that's…
Scripts to Analyze CSS from Firefox’s Javascript console.

For Web Devs and Other Tool-Using Animals: Scripts to Analyze CSS from Firefox’s Javascript console.

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to understand why your wordpress site's freaking menus display fine when you're logged in as administrator but are completely broken…
Resurrecting the HTML <blink><BLINK></blink> tag

In With The Old: Resurrecting the HTML <BLINK> tag

Back in the bad old days, there was an HTML tag called . It did this, which everybody hated, because it was annoying, and everybody's web pages looked like this:…
Excel-based Motley Fool Premium Investment Service Performance Analyzer

Don't Believe The Hype: Excel-based Motley Fool Premium Investment Service Performance Analyzer

Back before I first became the global success I am today, I began looking into investing. Among the things you can't miss when you enter that world looking to learn…
Non-render-blocking YouTube embeds in WordPress

Video Killed The Pagespeed Score: Non-render-blocking YouTube embeds in WordPress

On this site's Music Reviews page (itself built on-the-fly by a shortcode that sorts and displays posts from a "Music Review" custom post type), most of the reviews are accompanied…
WordPress Shortcode & Function Performance Optimization with Transients

Optimization-A-Go-Go: WordPress Shortcode & Function Performance Optimization with Transients

I suffer from that paradoxical form of laziness peculiar to computer geeks where I will save myself save myself 15 minutes of work on something by spending 4 hours creating…
TradingView Pine Script Indicators, Algos & Experiments

Trading Tools: TradingView Pine Script Indicators, Algos & Experiments

Here's a collection of trading tools I wrote & shared on TradingView, a finance markets charting site, in their native Pine script. These were originally published on my old crypto…
An Excel-based DeFi Liquidity Pool Simulator

Untangling Uniswap? Demystifying DeFi? You Tell Me: An Excel-based DeFi Liquidity Pool Simulator

For a few years I was in cryptocurrency trading. Eventually, this led me to the wild west of decentralized finance tokens ("DeFi"), an exciting area that I feel has strong…
How to make a completely unusable homepage in CSS3 and jQuery

Usability Hell: How to make a completely unusable homepage in CSS3 and jQuery

One of my favorite bits of code I've ever done is on the front page of my jiggy, ancient, perpetually-under-construction, virtually-never-viewed old personal website, Life In A Mikeycosm. Eager to…
a FiltaQuilla “open mail folder on receiving mail” Javascript Action script

Thunderbird Customization: a FiltaQuilla “open mail folder on receiving mail” Javascript Action script

Among the many things the late, lamented Eudora email client spoiled me for was, when I checked my mail, opening all the mailboxes that had received mail in new windows.…
WebCooler userscript

Take The Edge Off Your Web Browsing: WebCooler userscript

If you're like me, you care passionately about certain subjects; the natural flip side of this is being viscerally revulsed by certain things. As a matter of mental hygiene I'm…
Terminal-Notifier Bridge For Thunderbird Email Client

Thunderbird Customization: Terminal-Notifier Bridge For Thunderbird Email Client

Hot off the presses. Direct from my Github, a MacOS BASH script to allow customized per-mailbox notifications in the Mozilla Thunderbird email client. Following is the README containing full information…
Adding A Default Featured Image Or Thumbnail In WordPress

Adding A Default Featured Image Or Thumbnail In WordPress

On this site, any post without a featured image specifically set (such as this one) displays the default floral 'K' insignia anywhere on the site where a thumbnail is displayed.…
WordPress Custom “Hero Header” Modifications

Used on this site: WordPress Custom “Hero Header” Modifications

This site uses the "Sinatra" free Wordpress theme as its base. Sinatra includes a single "Hero Header" the row of 3 animated featured posts on the home page which changes…
The Internet Bad Statements (“BS”) Detector

Online Fact-Checking Tool: The Internet Bad Statements (“BS”) Detector

Here's a fairly old repost from my consulting site, where it got no traction whatsoever. The Bad Statements Detector is a specialized search tool designed to aid in online research…
Generating On-The-Fly Email Addresses as an Anti-Spam Measure in WordPress

Generating On-The-Fly Email Addresses as an Anti-Spam Measure in WordPress

On my IT consulting business site, I'm using a php script I've written to generate on-the-fly random email addresses specific to the browsing session looking at the site. So, I…