Pure CSS interactive web holiday lights

season's geekings: Pure CSS interactive web holiday lights

Strung across this page are pure CSS interactive Christmas lights. You can slowly move your mouse across them to jostle them and they're move, all without any javascript. The twisty…
Bonus Gallery — Winter Monsters

Bonus Gallery — Winter Monsters

As usual, when doing my gallery for #SaturdayMonsterChallenge — "Winter Monster", there were a ton of images left over that I liked but didn't make the cut, or weren't quite…
Bonus Bigfoots

Mo' Bigfoot, Mo' Betta: Bonus Bigfoots

Working on the #SaturdayMonsterChallenge "A Connecticut Sasquatch In King Arthur's Court" I created a lot of extra images that I liked a lot, but which either didn't fit the theme…
Finding Goths in Ungothly Places

You Can Take The Goth Out Of The Club...: Finding Goths in Ungothly Places

My friend Hellena Banner (from whom I cribbed the title of this gallery, with apologies) was doing a project where she was trying to put Goths in the least Goth-like…
#SaturdayMonsterChallenge “A Connecticut Sasquatch In King Arthur’s Court”

#SaturdayMonsterChallenge “A Connecticut Sasquatch In King Arthur’s Court”

Saturday, Nov. 30, 2024's #SaturdayMonsterChallenge theme on LinkedIn is "Time Travelling Monsters". Here's my interpretation: "A Connecticut Sasquatch In King Arthur's Court". Bonus Gallery — favorite extra images
LinkedIn #SaturdayMonsterChallenge — Mustache Monsters

LinkedIn #SaturdayMonsterChallenge — Mustache Monsters

One of the fun non-work-related things that happens on LinkedIn is the "Saturday Monster Challenge", a fun AI art meme where every Saturday this one guy picks a monster-related theme…
Resurrecting the HTML <blink><BLINK></blink> tag

In With The Old: Resurrecting the HTML <BLINK> tag

Back in the bad old days, there was an HTML tag called . It did this, which everybody hated, because it was annoying, and everybody's web pages looked like this:…
Hiking the rockies in Colorado, we got real close to some amazing wildlife.

Nothing To See Here, Folks: Just Some Vacation Snapshots

Just some photos from my cross-country vacation. Funny how different vacation photos sometimes are from how you remember things being. Guess I should have used a camera instead of an…
Pearl PCB20 Anarchy Cowbell review

Amazon Product Review: Pearl PCB20 Anarchy Cowbell review

Link: http://www.amazon.com/review/RUISCK9IXTK6J/ref=cm_cr_dp_title?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B000OY5RKA&channel=detail-glance&nodeID=11091801&store=musical-instruments Rating: Review Title: Steal This Cowbell! Review: Submission to domination is enforced not solely, nor even most significantly, through blatant repression, but rather through subtle manipulations worked into…
Report On My Weekend

Local Color—Point Reyes, Marin County: Report On My Weekend

(Sent via email to undisclosed parties) My god, if I knew how my little weekend of excursions was going to turn out, I would have made it an event and…