Right now, the site feed is live at feed:// It doesn’t validate properly—I’m working on that—but it does work in my FreshRSS reader, so it should be ok.
Alternatively you can see the most recent site updates listed in the browser on /changes.
I’ve got this site’s front page “hero” (featured posts) section and all archive pages—that’s all pages listing articles on this site by any kind of category, tag, or author name (of which there’s only me) tagged with the more modern h-feed microformat for reading in h-feed readers (such as, for example, the previewer at This is a microformat (a set of codes added to a web page) recommended by the Indieweb folks that allows modern feed readers to directly read your web pages without having to have a separate RSS or other feed page.
Here’s some sample links to pages marked with h-feed. You can type any of the sesample links into and see them presented as a feed, or follow them in the h-feed reader of your choice.
Home page (featured posts):
My author page (basically, all recent page updates):
Top category pages:
Basically, at the top of every menu or submenu where you see “More info”, that takes you to a page listing the articles in that menu, which also works as an h-feed page:
Similarly, subcategory (sub menu) pages work as well. For instance, there’s a “Slashpages” submenu under the “About” menu, so there’s a subcategory page, which works as an h-feed, at (Be aware, sometimes the URL terms are abbreviated, they don’t match the menu names exactly, so check the “More info” links.)
Tags, Topics, and more:

At the bottom of the right hand column of most pages of this site, as there are “tag clouds” listing every main “tag” and “topic” label that appear near the site titles in the various places around the site. These also appear in blue and yellow above the post names on the huge featured posts section on the front page and at the top of each individual page title.
These all—everything shown in the images at right—lead to pages showing all posts that match these terms, which all also work as h-feed pages. (,, etc.)