- 2025jan7
- update mk caching functions to use wp_cache_set and wp_cache_get instead of transients and remove $is_running transient performance kludges from mk sinatra additions since its now faster
- 2025jan1
- Update caching to store last updated date and data in one transient instead of making two calls
- 2024dec26
- testing
- Updated mk dev log not to use admin_init, just ajax, to prevent dupe entries
- Make fromblog shortcode links nofollow
- 2024dec25
- Added caching to shortcodes that were missing it
- Added a javascript to mk additions to appent the detailspreview span to details elements in post bodies, plus needed css, so details elements show a preview when closed.
- Moved all shortcodes in mk additions to mk shortcodes (mk latest posts, my post gallery)
- 2024dec24
- Add orderby parameter to site_changes_log shortcode with default modified and “published” available to sort by publish date, and move shortcode from mk additions to mk shortcodes plugin.
- 2024dec23
- Made [otherpostscat] accept a parent=”yes” parameter to make a “More in…” show for parent category show, and strike already-displayed posts from showing in the parent category.
- Set up iwfy() function in functions.php and wrap all indieweb classes in it to easily turn off.
- 2024dec19
- If less than 960 px, change .sub-menu from 100% to 95% to prevent running off edge of screen.
- Duplicated Sinatra theme to Kinatro, and in caching turned off Load CSS Asynchronously and turned on UCSS Inline since the Async CSS was causing a new inline CSS rule making the ul around scrolling post lists in the menus be absolutely positioned if the screen was less then 976px, hiding them. I don’tknow where this rule came from but the Async CSS definitely caused it, even when all CSS style sheets were added as exclusions.
- 2024dec15
- Numerous small changes to improve lighthouse accessibility score on mobile.
- Updated theme header so .skip-link is only #hero on front page, otherwise #main
- 2024dec14
- Added function to SEO link tweaks plugin that makes any pages access by things other than the canonical URL be noindex
- Added plugin to redirect all pages to permalinks with 301, since WP’s “url guessing” was messing up google’s indexing by serving pages at old URLs
- 2024dec10
- Disabled author page in Yoast so all author links redirect to homepage
- 2024dec8
- added a new filter in the code that rewrites pretty urls so single pages like domain.com/thispage/ work. You can add a regex to the filter from other plugins… this way domain.com/embed/?p=1234 can be excluded from rewriting, since /embed/ isn’t a page. For some reason it was causing 404s with urls like domain.com/embed/?p=1234&title&tags
- updated “posted in” category links in mctagmap to rel=”nofollow”
- Add filter to remove uncategorized, misinfo viz, ideological musings from sitemap per https://developer.yoast.com/features/xml-sitemaps/api/#exclude-specific-posts
- 2024nov29
- fix permalink rewriting… Sonnet’s rewriting code changed the urls for posts by breaking the urls for pages, like the all-recent-kwits page. (Awesome.)
- Get 404 page working with random image and gallery easter egg
- add pickone parameter to gallery to only show 1 random image
- 2024nov28
- Move permalink rewriting functions to separate plugin
- Add showdate attribute to show_recent_posts shortcode
- 2024nov27
- add .frontdetails disclosure boxes to front page
- Add parenttag and childcount to shortcode to allow limiting what’s returned for posts where post_excerpt isn’t working for some reason
- Add code to theme functions so you can specify categories for which the permalink will not contain a category path at all (specifically intended so slashpages are michaelkupietz.com/slashpage instead of michaelkupietz.com/site-info/slashpages/slashpage
- 2024nov19
- make editor file mgr menus popover instead of inline
- Add noindex tag to pages that get redicted towards a compilation page (are you free, quote me on that, movie reviews, music reviews, etc.)
- Add function to remove ‘articles’ slug from permalinks
- add redirect for old section-174-tax-code-changes urls to looked up permalink by ID in mk sinatra additions
- Add clear:both to .postscroll because I saw on a screenshare the “more info”‘s right floar was sometimes creating a gap between the scrollbar and menu right margin.
- 2024nov18
- Break filemgr into separate plugin and add file download link
- 2024nov18
- add dev log update box to kupietools settings screen
- 2024nov17
- Turn on “combine jss” lightspeed cache setting
- testing turning CSS combine on
- add categories to pretty urls. Wondering if this will help my SE rank.
- 2024nov16
- Move code to add class to links in content to separate plugin
- Move /embed/ code to separate plugin
- Move template logger to separate plugin and create KupieTools settings page with toggle to turn the template logging on and off.
- Add New File, Rename File, and code folding to plugin & theme file editor pages via MK sinatra additions
- 2024nov15
- Add Dev Log Entry field to Plugin & Theme editing pages in mk sinatra additions.
- 2024nov13
- change canonical tags to use pretty URL instead of /?p=1234 links. I think this might have been messing with Google’s indexing? A bunch of pages, like most of them, suddenly got delisted a few weeks ago.
- Make hierarchical menu generation script sort slashpages menu by lowercased title, so case doesn’t affect sort.