"Anecdotal Evidence (True Stories)" files
Timeslippin’ With Gene

Things That Make You Say "Hmmmmm": Timeslippin’ With Gene

This is a true thing that happened to me. And better, it happened to me and a friend together, so there's a corroborating witness. Back in high school, me and…
How to Find Your Hotel If You’re Lost In Ghent

Local Color—Ghent, Belgium: How to Find Your Hotel If You’re Lost In Ghent

Back in my salad days I once tricked the Belgian government into paying to fly me & two friends to give an arts lecture in Ghent under assumed names (long…
The Funniest Man In The World

These Are The People In My Neighborhood: The Funniest Man In The World

The other night I talked to my old friend Zigmo Parcheesi, the funniest man in the world. He told me he took his toddler son Max to his first movie.…

Local Color—Yee Haw: Texas

I'll tell you about Texas. Back in '95, me and my friend Haley went down to his Dad's timeshare in Port Aransas, Texas, a little beach resort town about 45…

Local Color—Manhattan: New York Stories, Which I Only Now Realize Are All About Petty Crimes

Originally posted on my old site. I'd have called this "New York After Dark", but the souvlaki guy story happened in the middle of the afternoon. Back in the '80s…

Local Color—Seattle: Irene & Sheri

This was originally posted on my old website, Life In A Mikeycosm. Before you read this, I should warn you. This story contains one of the grossest things I've ever…

Question of the day: When was the first time you noticed someone cheating at something?

A few years back, my friend Al Katkowski was something of a success with his "Question Of The Day" iphone app and subsequent book. This was a question from the…

Local Color—San Francisco: Tales From The Sidewalks Of San Francisco

An Afternoon At The Races, Unplanned So, last night I was standing on Mission in South of Market with my phone out, trying to find a nearby hardware store, when…

Essay-Length Memoir: Ars Moriendi—Haley’s Epitaph

Disclaimer, 2023 Having come a long way from the days related herein, I thought for a while before reposting this 26-year-old piece of writing, originally posted on my old website.…
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Essay-Length Memoir: “The Light Shone On Me”

Foreword: For some reason, I've always been particularly moved by a sense of loss. It's the sole valuable observation I ever got from a kindly but not particularly effective therapist…