"Ideas & Perspectives" files
Music Reviews

You Are Hear: Music Reviews

As of this writing (March 2024) this is pretty sparse, I only just had the idea. Generally I've never written much about music—I don't need to, because music is just…
“Peaks Island Ferry” by Dan Sonenberg — album review

I Like To Listen: “Peaks Island Ferry” by Dan Sonenberg — album review

Finally giving a listen to the prerelease of old friend Dan Sonenberg’s return to solo singer-songwriting, "Peaks Island Ferry". Rather than set down & give him feedback after it’s over,…
About Sexism In The AI Images On This Site

Hey, You Got Your Social Awareness In My AI!: About Sexism In The AI Images On This Site

A number of the AI-generated images on this site contain artistic depictions of nudity, presented in a way that might seem to reasonably suggest some confusion between real artistic or…
Critical Reading of a Flawed Information Source

Watch Your Intelligence: Critical Reading of a Flawed Information Source

Oct. 7, 2023 I had an interesting talk with my father yesterday. He had a 2-for-1 subscription offer to Mother Jones, and we got into a discussion when I told…

Reflective Prose: Fascination, And Dangerous Weather

Springtime hits hard in some quarters. I call this 'dangerous weather'—like, you've got to watch out where you're going. You might trip and fall. Somehow this always coincides with the…

Reflective Prose: Day Nights

I gotta do something about them day nights. I was just walking home from the store, bopping down the street at 11 PM, a time that I grew up believing…

Whom Rods Destroy: Speak To Me Not Of Picard, Nor Janeway — An Irascible Screed On Star Trek Fandom Fundamentals

Look; I'm a Star Trek fan. Don't talk to me about "Picard" or "Janeway" or "Archer" or whoever. Even the movies barely qualify as "Star Trek", and they have the…

Temporal Moronomy: The Contents Of The Rest Of The World’s Dream Do Not Concern Me (or, Why I Didn’t Turn 40)

I originally wrote this essay shortly before my 40th birthday, after which I posted it on my blog and a number of other places. December, 2008 For the record, I…
Fragrance Reviews

Review Compendium: Fragrance Reviews

Unbeknownst to anybody except Dan Sonenberg—in fact, practically unbeknownst to even myself—I occasionally write fragrance reviews. These are those. Some people enjoy them. Those of you with the nose can…
Literally Hundreds of Capsule Movie Reviews

Review Compendium: Literally Hundreds of Capsule Movie Reviews

A number of years ago I started jotting down summaries of movies I've watched, just to keep track of what I'd seen. As the years went by, the list grew,…
Kwitter, the one-user social network

Social Mediocrity: Kwitter, the one-user social network

I quit Twitter a while back, and sometimes even just glancing at FB consumes a full day, so I have no outlet for my amusing social-media-worthy passing thoughts, except to…
Shower thoughts

Even In The Quietest Moments: Shower thoughts

Idea for a movie: A time traveling refugee from the 1990s is stuck in another era and must try to blend in, but is found out when it is discovered…
“Are you free?”, and Other Short Ideological Musings

Ideology In Brief: “Are you free?”, and Other Short Ideological Musings

Let's talk about sex! No, wait, let's talk about something even more taboo! These are some samples of political, ideological, or economic thoughts I've jotted down. I don't consider myself…