"Bonus Galleries" files
Extra New York Images

Extra New York Images

Just a set of fun leftover from when I was working on a featured image for my Local Color: New York Stories, Which I only now realize are all about…
Bonus Gallery — Winter Monsters

Bonus Gallery — Winter Monsters

As usual, when doing my gallery for #SaturdayMonsterChallenge — "Winter Monster", there were a ton of images left over that I liked but didn't make the cut, or weren't quite…
Bonus Bigfoots

Mo' Bigfoot, Mo' Betta: Bonus Bigfoots

Working on the #SaturdayMonsterChallenge "A Connecticut Sasquatch In King Arthur's Court" I created a lot of extra images that I liked a lot, but which either didn't fit the theme…
On Time

Art Waits For No Man: On Time

I posted The Contents Of The Rest Of The World’s Dream Do Not Concern Me (or, Why I Didn’t Turn 40) and Day Nights at around the same time, and in…
May Your Tags Blink In Eternity

Images Of A Resurrection: May Your Tags Blink In Eternity

I had a lot of fun making the featured image for the article "Resurrecting the <BLINK> tag". Here's some of the also-rans.
A Taxing Gallery

Serious Business: A Taxing Gallery

Working on a featured image for my writeup on  How the Section 174 Tax Code Changes Caused a White-Collar Job Crash, I tried to create an artistic representation of tech…
Previsions of Johanna — preliminary experiments

Work-In-Progress Postview: Previsions of Johanna — preliminary experiments

As I worked on my "Revisions Of Johanna" project, I generated a lot of images I really liked, but which didn't fit into the final project. I decided the best…