Starts out a cute, quirky-but-not-unbearably-so comedy about a geeky small-town movie theater ticket taker who believes he’s the son of God and has the ability to assign people to heaven or hell after death. A couple of star cameos, like William H. Macy as his therapist, Justin Kirk plays his usual charater as an earthbound ghost who wants to know his permanent fate, and Neve Campbell, improbably, as Kirk’s daughter (I guess he had an active sex life at the age of 4) and Milo Ventimiglia in an amusing and out-of-character turn as a womanizing, fast-talking fellow theater employee.
Entertaining enough until it descends from comedy to sentimentality as the subject turns from his obsession with the concession girl and his responsibilities deciding peoples’ ultimate fate to him dealing with his complicated feelings about his father’s death. I guess the writers forgot that that’s not funny.
Still fairly watchable, though, not terrible.