Angel trumpets and devil trombones, and you are invited! Here’s some phantasmagorical music-themed generative AI illustrations I, well, generated.
These were, by the way, generated with Dall-E 2.5, which is sadly no longer available. All public instances have been replaced with Dall-E 3 which is much more literal, produces crisp, more concrete and digital-looking or often cartoonish images, and is not good for abstraction or “sloppier” images. I remain hopeful Dall-E 2.5 will become available again, or a future version will allow the use of prompts again that can facilitate generating more obscure, impressionistic, and stylistically varied output.
~ Click any image to enlarge ~ AI image copyright info
Under current US copyright law, unaltered AI-generated images are not copyrightable. However, all AI-generated content on this site has been subjected to a subsequent creative process of manual human edits and alterations, bringing them back into the realm of human authorship. All original content on this site, including AI-assisted images, is ©2024 Michael Kupietz. Related Articles
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