"Topical Writing & Essays" files
The Encyclopedia Of AI Apologies

The Emperor's New Code: The Encyclopedia Of AI Apologies

I've spent so much time fruitlessly trying to get LLMs (Large Language Model chatbots, commonly referred to generically as "AI") to actually help me solve coding problems that I've taken,…
About Sexism In The AI Images On This Site

Hey, You Got Your Social Awareness In My AI!: About Sexism In The AI Images On This Site

A number of the AI-generated images on this site contain artistic depictions of nudity, presented in a way that might seem to reasonably suggest some confusion between real artistic or…
Critical Reading of a Flawed Information Source

Watch Your Intelligence: Critical Reading of a Flawed Information Source

Oct. 7, 2023 I had an interesting talk with my father yesterday. He had a 2-for-1 subscription offer to Mother Jones, and we got into a discussion when I told…
“Are you free?”, and Other Short Ideological Musings

Ideology In Brief: “Are you free?”, and Other Short Ideological Musings

Let's talk about sex! No, wait, let's talk about something even more taboo! These are some samples of political, ideological, or economic thoughts I've jotted down. I don't consider myself…