Creative Productions, Arrangements and Operations • Art, Technology and Amusements. Software Engineer and certified FileMaker Pro developer and full-stack web developer by day, https//
Moved ktwp plugins into separate folders with bash one-liner for file in ktwp-*.php; do [ -f “$file” ] && mkdir -p “${file%.php}” && mv “$file” “${file%.php}/”; done
Make changes to all details summarizer to find contents that is not wrapped in for preview, and to exclude selectors from preview
Move details summarizer to separate plugin and add settings to kupietools settings page to set classes for details elements get summaries
Create KTWP page adjuster plugin
Remove redundant ‘safe2’ tags from gallery shortcode which were wrapping around existing tags around images.
Add condition to addExternalLinkClass($content) in mk additions to prevent processing links with class noarrow as external links
Modify devlog to stop looking specifically for posts when saving log entries or displaying on kupietools page, now that /devlog is hidden-post
Add named anchors to posts in htmlmap post lists (IE for misc topic writing page) and javascript to always find named anchor and open all enclosing elements if #name appears in URL.
Get related posts plugin installed and customizations to it working, convert all non-menu post categories to new hidden-post custom post type.
Add max-width 100% to .featuredheader to prevent horizontal scrollbar in firefox per
Add “Floating Div” plugin
Add hire-me-div css
Give “Always redirect to permalink” the same ktwp_custom_rewrite_exclusions filter that the add_custom_rewrite_rules uses to avoid breaking urls like
Updated force_permalink_structure() because /?p=1234 was getting first redirected to /pretty/url/path/?p=1234 instead of just /pretty/url/path/
Add tagCLass parameter to all necessary downstream functions from get_site_changes_log_shortcode to add .blacktext to category links in site change log so proper link hover styles are observed
Set so site title is H1 on front page, h2 on all other pages so article titles are main h1
Change sinatra_entry_meta_category so doesn’t display span.heroclassicon at all if $showicon is off. Before was just omitting $iconclass string.
update default K thumbnail to red
update mk caching functions to use wp_cache_set and wp_cache_get instead of transients and remove $is_running transient performance kludges from mk sinatra additions since its now faster
Update caching to store last updated date and data in one transient instead of making two calls
Updated mk dev log not to use admin_init, just ajax, to prevent dupe entries
Make fromblog shortcode links nofollow
Added caching to shortcodes that were missing it
Added a javascript to mk additions to appent the detailspreview span to details elements in post bodies, plus needed css, so details elements show a preview when closed.
Moved all shortcodes in mk additions to mk shortcodes (mk latest posts, my post gallery)
Add orderby parameter to site_changes_log shortcode with default modified and “published” available to sort by publish date, and move shortcode from mk additions to mk shortcodes plugin.
Made [otherpostscat] accept a parent=”yes” parameter to make a “More in…” show for parent category show, and strike already-displayed posts from showing in the parent category.
Set up iwfy() function in functions.php and wrap all indieweb classes in it to easily turn off.
If less than 960 px, change .sub-menu from 100% to 95% to prevent running off edge of screen.
Duplicated Sinatra theme to Kinatro, and in caching turned off Load CSS Asynchronously and turned on UCSS Inline since the Async CSS was causing a new inline CSS rule making the ul around scrolling post lists in the menus be absolutely positioned if the screen was less then 976px, hiding them. I don’tknow where this rule came from but the Async CSS definitely caused it, even when all CSS style sheets were added as exclusions.
Numerous small changes to improve lighthouse accessibility score on mobile.
Updated theme header so .skip-link is only #hero on front page, otherwise #main
Added function to SEO link tweaks plugin that makes any pages access by things other than the canonical URL be noindex
Added plugin to redirect all pages to permalinks with 301, since WP’s “url guessing” was messing up google’s indexing by serving pages at old URLs
Disabled author page in Yoast so all author links redirect to homepage
added a new filter in the code that rewrites pretty urls so single pages like work. You can add a regex to the filter from other plugins… this way can be excluded from rewriting, since /embed/ isn’t a page. For some reason it was causing 404s with urls like
updated “posted in” category links in mctagmap to rel=”nofollow”
Add filter to remove uncategorized, misinfo viz, ideological musings from sitemap per
fix permalink rewriting… Sonnet’s rewriting code changed the urls for posts by breaking the urls for pages, like the all-recent-kwits page. (Awesome.)
Get 404 page working with random image and gallery easter egg
add pickone parameter to gallery to only show 1 random image
Move permalink rewriting functions to separate plugin
Add showdate attribute to show_recent_posts shortcode
add .frontdetails disclosure boxes to front page
Add parenttag and childcount to shortcode to allow limiting what’s returned for posts where post_excerpt isn’t working for some reason
Add code to theme functions so you can specify categories for which the permalink will not contain a category path at all (specifically intended so slashpages are instead of
make editor file mgr menus popover instead of inline
Add noindex tag to pages that get redicted towards a compilation page (are you free, quote me on that, movie reviews, music reviews, etc.)
Add function to remove ‘articles’ slug from permalinks
add redirect for old section-174-tax-code-changes urls to looked up permalink by ID in mk sinatra additions
Add clear:both to .postscroll because I saw on a screenshare the “more info”‘s right floar was sometimes creating a gap between the scrollbar and menu right margin.
Break filemgr into separate plugin and add file download link
add dev log update box to kupietools settings screen
Turn on “combine jss” lightspeed cache setting
testing turning CSS combine on
add categories to pretty urls. Wondering if this will help my SE rank.
Move code to add class to links in content to separate plugin
Move /embed/ code to separate plugin
Move template logger to separate plugin and create KupieTools settings page with toggle to turn the template logging on and off.
Add New File, Rename File, and code folding to plugin & theme file editor pages via MK sinatra additions
Add Dev Log Entry field to Plugin & Theme editing pages in mk sinatra additions.
change canonical tags to use pretty URL instead of /?p=1234 links. I think this might have been messing with Google’s indexing? A bunch of pages, like most of them, suddenly got delisted a few weeks ago.
Make hierarchical menu generation script sort slashpages menu by lowercased title, so case doesn’t affect sort.