These are the people in my neighborhoodAllison Posted by By Mike Kupietz September 17, 2023| Permanent URL: Bar, Alamo Square [My eccentric neighbor Allison walked into a bar where my friend Brent and I were sitting at a table near the door and I called out to her.]Me: [to Brent and Allison] Do you guys know each other? You both live in the neighborhood. Brendan: No. Allison: I don’t think so. You might have seen me around the neighborhood. I always walk around with a little dog. [pause.] …I used to walk around with a little dog. He died three days ago. Me: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Allison: Yeah, he was sick for a while. A few days ago I could tell, it was the day, so I put him out in the backyard and he curled up in the grass… I went out for a while, and when I got back… … Me: I’m really sorry. Allison: I put him in a bag in my freezer. [pause.] Well, I have his body in the freezer. I cut off his head. Me: [stunned silence] Brent: WHAT? Allison: I cut off his head. [pause.] I’m gonna put the skull on my bicycle. Mike Kupietz , a reluctant scion of the postmodern age, is larger on the inside than the outside: perhaps not a composer, but a producer and arranger of sounds; nor a writer, but an avid writer-down; an occasional author of doggerel; an erstwhile urban hermit; and privately a man of very great ardor. He is, if now resigned to never succeeding at those personal and artistic pursuits he holds most dear, unwavering in his determination to fail at them as entertainingly as possible. He is currently in what he calls the "red bathrobe period" of his life. If you're wondering what all this has to do with FileMaker development or IT consulting: you done taken the wrong turn, this river don't go to Aintry—Mike's professional services are on his San Francisco FileMaker Pro consulting website. View All PostsPost navigationPrevious Post Allison IINext PostIn Heaven, Everything Is Fine