
Site Design Overview: Featured Images Gallery

Since they’re not always clearly displayed on the front page or in every post, for convenience, this is an automated scrape of all original “featured images” (the background or front page image for a post) on the site.

The Man Behind The Curtain: About Michael Kupietz
The Man Behind The Curtain: About Michael Kupietz
Video Killed The Pagespeed Score: Non-render-blocking YouTube embeds in WordPress
Video Killed The Pagespeed Score: Non-render-blocking YouTube embeds in WordPress
You Are Hear: Music Reviews
You Are Hear: Music Reviews
When They Pry It from My Cold, Ironic Fingers: Exploration & Explosions, a Nevada Desert Hipster Road Trip—March 2003
When They Pry It from My Cold, Ironic Fingers: Exploration & Explosions, a Nevada Desert Hipster Road Trip—March 2003
Vacation Photos: Pseudonymous adventures in Europe pretending to be the Billboard Liberation Front, 2008
Vacation Photos: Pseudonymous adventures in Europe pretending to be the Billboard Liberation Front, 2008
Gallery: Raving And Drooling — AI-assisted lyrical illumination of Pink Floyd’s “Sheep”
Gallery: Raving And Drooling — AI-assisted lyrical illumination of Pink Floyd’s “Sheep”
Optimization-A-Go-Go: WordPress Shortcode & Function Performance Optimization with Transients
Optimization-A-Go-Go: WordPress Shortcode & Function Performance Optimization with Transients
Welcome To My Nightmare: Dream Jobs (the surreal preoccupations of an out-of-work IT consultant)
Welcome To My Nightmare: Dream Jobs (the surreal preoccupations of an out-of-work IT consultant)
Beneath Berkeley: UC Berkeley Steam Tunnels Exploration
Beneath Berkeley: UC Berkeley Steam Tunnels Exploration
Mikesplaining: What’s the best day of the week to take off if you work a four day, 10-hours-a-day work week?
Mikesplaining: What’s the best day of the week to take off if you work a four day, 10-hours-a-day work week?
Mikesplaining: Why do people respect George Carlin?
Mikesplaining: Why do people respect George Carlin?
Mikesplaining: Why are musical notes an octave apart considered to be the same note?
Mikesplaining: Why are musical notes an octave apart considered to be the same note?
Mikesplaining: Do the odds of winning the lottery change if more people play? Is flipping tails more likely after four heads in a row?
Mikesplaining: Do the odds of winning the lottery change if more people play? Is flipping tails more likely after four heads in a row?
Local Color—Ghent, Belgium: How (Not) to Find Your Hotel If You’re Lost In Ghent
Local Color—Ghent, Belgium: How (Not) to Find Your Hotel If You’re Lost In Ghent
Digital Objets D’Art: RH fan club Birthday Card, 2003
Digital Objets D’Art: RH fan club Birthday Card, 2003
Good Day at Black Rock: 27 Photos from Burning Man 1997
Good Day at Black Rock: 27 Photos from Burning Man 1997
Beneath the Bay Area: Battery D_____ Exploration, July 2004
Beneath the Bay Area: Battery D_____ Exploration, July 2004
Subterranean Serendipity: UC Santa Cruz Porter Caves & the Hell Hole, Sep 30 2005
Subterranean Serendipity: UC Santa Cruz Porter Caves & the Hell Hole, Sep 30 2005
Trading Tools: TradingView Pine Script Indicators, Algos & Experiments
Trading Tools: TradingView Pine Script Indicators, Algos & Experiments
Untangling Uniswap? Demystifying DeFi? You Tell Me: An Excel-based DeFi Liquidity Pool Simulator
Untangling Uniswap? Demystifying DeFi? You Tell Me: An Excel-based DeFi Liquidity Pool Simulator
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Poetry!: “The Radish Is The Noisy’st Root…”
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Poetry!: “The Radish Is The Noisy’st Root…”
Hey, You Got Your Social Awareness In My AI!: About Sexism In The AI Images On This Site
Hey, You Got Your Social Awareness In My AI!: About Sexism In The AI Images On This Site
Work-In-Progress Postview: Previsions of Johanna
Work-In-Progress Postview: Previsions of Johanna
Watch Your Intelligence: Critical Reading of a Flawed Information Source
Watch Your Intelligence: Critical Reading of a Flawed Information Source
Usability Hell: How to make a completely unusable homepage in CSS3 and jQuery
Usability Hell: How to make a completely unusable homepage in CSS3 and jQuery
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Meta-Poetry!: Ode to “Ode To A Croaking Man”
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Meta-Poetry!: Ode to “Ode To A Croaking Man”
Fudging The Facts: Misinformation Visualization
Fudging The Facts: Misinformation Visualization
Thunderbird Customization: Terminal-Notifier Bridge For Thunderbird
Thunderbird Customization: Terminal-Notifier Bridge For Thunderbird
Mikesplaining: A Young Person’s Guide To Common Time Signatures, and what they mean in real life
Mikesplaining: A Young Person’s Guide To Common Time Signatures, and what they mean in real life
EMIAQs: Answers to Even More Infrequently Asked Questions
EMIAQs: Answers to Even More Infrequently Asked Questions
Gallery: Revisions of Johanna, AI-Assisted lyric illustrations
Gallery: Revisions of Johanna, AI-Assisted lyric illustrations
California Deep Dreaming: “Wild California” Studies
California Deep Dreaming: “Wild California” Studies
Reflective Prose: Fascination, And Dangerous Weather
Reflective Prose: Fascination, And Dangerous Weather
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Poetry!: Ode To A Croaking Man
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Poetry!: Ode To A Croaking Man
Local Color—Point Reyes, Marin County: Report On My Weekend
Local Color—Point Reyes, Marin County: Report On My Weekend
This’ll Show ‘Em: Verse Upon Bank of America Holding My Checks And Angering My Cat
This’ll Show ‘Em: Verse Upon Bank of America Holding My Checks And Angering My Cat
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Poetry!: Ode To A Curl-Up Bug
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Poetry!: Ode To A Curl-Up Bug
You Can Quote Me On That: Short Bits From My Old Blog
You Can Quote Me On That: Short Bits From My Old Blog
Investigative Journalism: “Elvis Is Everywhere”
Investigative Journalism: “Elvis Is Everywhere”
Adding A Default Featured Image Or Thumbnail In WordPress
Adding A Default Featured Image Or Thumbnail In WordPress
Serious Gear Geekery: Mosrite/Bakersfield Guitar Picks
Serious Gear Geekery: Mosrite/Bakersfield Guitar Picks
Demo: The Ravine Houses Are Gone (A Song For Hume, And Wacks, And Dan, And You)
Demo: The Ravine Houses Are Gone (A Song For Hume, And Wacks, And Dan, And You)
Local Color—Seattle: Irene & Sheri
Local Color—Seattle: Irene & Sheri
Reflective Prose: Day Nights
Reflective Prose: Day Nights
Question of the day: When was the first time you noticed someone cheating at something?
Question of the day: When was the first time you noticed someone cheating at something?
Temporal Moronomy: The Contents Of The Rest Of The World’s Dream Do Not Concern Me (or, Why I Didn’t Turn 40)
Temporal Moronomy: The Contents Of The Rest Of The World’s Dream Do Not Concern Me (or, Why I Didn’t Turn 40)
Site Design Overview: Featured Images Gallery
Site Design Overview: Featured Images Gallery
Administrivia: Site Content, Design, & Technical IAQs
Administrivia: Site Content, Design, & Technical IAQs
Essay-Length Memoir: Ars Moriendi—Haley’s Epitaph
Essay-Length Memoir: Ars Moriendi—Haley’s Epitaph
Digital Single: Yiki·dū·sō (A Dream)
Digital Single: Yiki·dū·sō (A Dream)
Review Compendium: Fragrance Reviews
Review Compendium: Fragrance Reviews
If You Don’t Live It, It Won’t Come Out Your Cone: Adoration Of The City
If You Don’t Live It, It Won’t Come Out Your Cone: Adoration Of The City
Essay-Length Memoir: “The Light Shone On Me”
Essay-Length Memoir: “The Light Shone On Me”
Pardon Our Dust: Website Under Construction
Pardon Our Dust: Website Under Construction
Used on this site: WordPress Custom “Hero Header” Modifications
Used on this site: WordPress Custom “Hero Header” Modifications
Giving It To A Soft Boy: RobGAN Hitchcock, AI-assisted lyric illustrations
Giving It To A Soft Boy: RobGAN Hitchcock, AI-assisted lyric illustrations
Online Fact-Checking Tool: The Internet Bad Statements (“BS”) Detector
Online Fact-Checking Tool: The Internet Bad Statements (“BS”) Detector
Review Compendium: Literally Hundreds of Capsule Movie Reviews
Review Compendium: Literally Hundreds of Capsule Movie Reviews
Album Preview: Michael Kupietz Live (And Almost In Tune) on Pirate Cat Radio, 5/28/2009
Album Preview: Michael Kupietz Live (And Almost In Tune) on Pirate Cat Radio, 5/28/2009
Social Mediocrity: Kwitter, the one-user social network
Social Mediocrity: Kwitter, the one-user social network
The Man Is Out To Get Me: Site Disclaimer, Terms of Use, and Conditions
The Man Is Out To Get Me: Site Disclaimer, Terms of Use, and Conditions
Equipment Overview: Bento Box Software Synthesizer
Equipment Overview: Bento Box Software Synthesizer
Album Preview: गोल्डन यात्रा • The Golden Yatra
Album Preview: गोल्डन यात्रा • The Golden Yatra
Even In The Quietest Moments: Shower thoughts
Even In The Quietest Moments: Shower thoughts
Ideology In Brief: “Are you free?”, and Other Ideological Musings
Ideology In Brief: “Are you free?”, and Other Ideological Musings
External Links: My Other Pages & Friends’ Sites
External Links: My Other Pages & Friends’ Sites
Album Preview: Five Themes In Uncertain Times v.0.89.05
Album Preview: Five Themes In Uncertain Times v.0.89.05
Demo: Monster Zed / Night Of The Living Zed 0.5a
Demo: Monster Zed / Night Of The Living Zed 0.5a
Album Preview: Ethay Eaday Illstay Eamscray (“The Dead Still Scream”) — Music From The Imaginary Motion Picture
Album Preview: Ethay Eaday Illstay Eamscray (“The Dead Still Scream”) — Music From The Imaginary Motion Picture
Demo: The Strutbutter / The Great Game Show In The Sky, v13.15
Demo: The Strutbutter / The Great Game Show In The Sky, v13.15
Is There Rock After Life?: A Helluva Band
Is There Rock After Life?: A Helluva Band
Generating On-The-Fly Email Addresses as an Anti-Spam Measure in WordPress
Generating On-The-Fly Email Addresses as an Anti-Spam Measure in WordPress