UC Berkeley Steam Tunnels Photojournal—Urban Exploration, feature art by Mike Kupietz
Pseudonymous adventures in Europe pretending to be the Billboard Liberation Front, 2008, feature art by Mike Kupietz
Blue hits again, Harry, Jeff, Blair, feature art by Mike Kupietz
UC Berkeley Steam Tunnels Photojournal—Urban Exploration, feature art by Mike Kupietz

Beneath BerkeleyUC Berkeley Steam Tunnels Photojournal—Urban Exploration

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Pseudonymous adventures in Europe pretending to be the Billboard Liberation Front, 2008, feature art by Mike Kupietz

Vacation PhotosPseudonymous adventures in Europe pretending to be the Billboard Liberation Front, 2008

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Blue hits again, Harry, Jeff, Blair, feature art by Mike Kupietz

When They Pry It from My Hip, Ironic FingersExploration & Explosions, a Nevada Desert Hipster Road Trip

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UC Santa Cruz Porter Caves & the Hell Hole, Sep 30 2005, feature art by Mike Kupietz
Battery Dynamite — Subterranean Bunker Urban Exploration, feature art by Mike Kupietz
27 Photos from Burning Man 1997, feature art by Mike Kupietz
UC Santa Cruz Porter Caves & the Hell Hole, Sep 30 2005, feature art by Mike Kupietz

Subterranean SerendipityUC Santa Cruz Porter Caves & the Hell Hole, Sep 30 2005

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Battery Dynamite — Subterranean Bunker Urban Exploration, feature art by Mike Kupietz

Beneath the Bay AreaBattery Dynamite — Subterranean Bunker Urban Exploration

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27 Photos from Burning Man 1997, feature art by Mike Kupietz

Good Day at Black Rock27 Photos from Burning Man 1997

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A Visit to Pearl Fryar’s Topiary — photojournal, feature art by Mike Kupietz
A Visit to Pearl Fryar’s Topiary — photojournal, feature art by Mike Kupietz

Back To The GardenA Visit to Pearl Fryar’s Topiary — photojournal

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Michael Kupietz, your humble proprietor.

Email: contact0824@X.michaelkupietz.com (remove the ‘X.’ to email.) · Michael Kupietz

This site brought to you by four months flat on my back in summer 2023 due to long covid, plus a whole lot of additional sweat & frustration since then. Per aspera, ad astra.

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