
External Links: My Other Pages & Friends’ Sites

More Kupietz for you? My Other Sites & Pages


Michael Kupietz, Bay Area FileMaker Consultant – my professional consulting site. Gotta put food on the table somehow. FileMaker Pro development & consulting, MacOS / OS X platform support,  web development and Tradingview Pine Script development & support.


Life In A Mikeycosm – my old personal site of occasional writing, drawings, and photos, from whence some of this site’s content came

Written Down Stuff:

Sloth And Dignity – my infrequently-updated blog, also from whence some of this site’s content came. I’m gradually migrating some of my more serious pieces from there to this site; the more in-the-moment, reflective or confessional pieces will probably stay there, giving, as it is my tendency to write more when I’m moody than when I’m happy, what right this moment looks like a far bleaker view of my life than it actually has been.

Music & Sounds:

GuitaristInProgress on YouTube – my old YouTube channel, mostly me playing sloppy covers on guitar. Once upon a time, some people liked this! I actually got fan mail a couple of times.

Michael Kupietz on Bandcamp – My bandcamp page, where my albums will be released if I ever finish them. Nothing there now but some demos.

GuitaristInProgress on SoundCloud – My old soundcloud page, mostly rough demos. Does contain an early excerpt that I’m very fond of of “The Cadaver’s Pavane” from “Five Themes In Uncertain Times“, from all the way back when it was still “Three Themes In Uncertain Times”.


Github: Kupietools – my Github open-source repo for coding projects shared under my own name

Some Friends’ Sites

My old friend, a music professor and composer of both opera and rock music: Dan Sonenberg

A ridiculously talented friend and endless font of creativity who goes by many names, currently going by Piscadoro Kingfisher: music and videos

Looks like my old friend Chris Simunek was running a website of his countercultural journalism & writing for a while over at Paradise Burning. He never mentioned it to me. That’s vintage Chris. Chris and his lovely wife Rebekah Harris also run Shipwreck Montauk fine jewelery waaaay out on Long Island’s eastern end.

My good friend, inspiration, and fellow traveler H. Dean Clark documents his adventures as a road scholar as h.deanclark6796 on YouTube and on his professional photography website, Clark Fine Photography.

Fabulist Magazine is run by Josh Wilson, a tireless supporter of the literary and visual arts, and is well worth a look by anyone interested in speculative and science fiction, fantasy, myth, folk traditions, comics, magic realism, “literary fiction,” pop culture, film, music, and more.

Though I haven’t talked to them in a while, I’d be remiss in not mentioning my very long-term friends and employers at Green Tortoise Adventure Travel and the Green Tortoise Seattle Hostel and San Francisco Hostel, where I was alternately in-house FileMaker developer, Webmaster, IT Manager, and guitar-strumming hippie resident (not in that order) for almost 20 years. I try not to spend a lot of time looking backwards in life, but when I do, GT is inescapable. I still owe them a lot of money.

I don’t think anybody else I know has an online presence outside of social media. Let me know if you do.