"Writing" files

Local Color—Manhattan: New York Stories, Which I Only Now Realize Are All About Petty Crimes

Back in the '80s & early '90s New York City was much different than it is now. Filthy, violent, and the meat packing district was a not a place you…

Question of the day: When was the first time you noticed someone cheating at something?

A few years back, my friend Al Katkowski was something of a success with his "Question Of The Day" iphone app and subsequent book. This was a question from the…

Whom Rods Destroy: Speak To Me Not Of Picard, Nor Janeway — An Irascible Screed On Star Trek Fandom Fundamentals

Look; I'm a Star Trek fan. Don't talk to me about "Picard" or "Janeway" or "Archer" or whoever. Even the movies barely qualify as "Star Trek", and they have the…

Temporal Moronomy: The Contents Of The Rest Of The World’s Dream Do Not Concern Me (or, Why I Didn’t Turn 40)

I originally wrote this essay shortly before my 40th birthday, after which I posted it on my blog and a number of other places. December, 2008 For the record, I…

Local Color—San Francisco: Tales From The Sidewalks Of San Francisco

An Afternoon At The Races, Unplanned So, last night I was standing on Mission in South of Market with my phone out, trying to find a nearby hardware store, when…

Essay-Length Memoir: Ars Moriendi—Haley’s Epitaph

Disclaimer, 2023 Having come a long way from the days related herein, I thought for a while before reposting this 26-year-old piece of writing, originally posted on my old website.…
Fragrance Reviews

Review Compendium: Fragrance Reviews

Unbeknownst to anybody except Dan Sonenberg—in fact, practically unbeknownst to even myself—I occasionally write fragrance reviews. These are those. Some people enjoy them. Those of you with the nose can…
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Essay-Length Memoir: “The Light Shone On Me”

Foreword: For some reason, I've always been particularly moved by a sense of loss. It's the sole valuable observation I ever got from a kindly but not particularly effective therapist…
Kwitter, the one-user social network

Social Mediocrity: Kwitter, the one-user social network

I quit Twitter a while back, and sometimes even just glancing at FB consumes a full day, so I have no outlet for my amusing social-media-worthy passing thoughts, except to…
“Are you free?”, and Other Short Ideological Musings

Ideology In Brief: “Are you free?”, and Other Short Ideological Musings

Let's talk about sex! No, wait, let's talk about something even more taboo! These are some samples of political, ideological, or economic thoughts I've jotted down. I don't consider myself…